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2023-08-20 12:01:12 -07:00
Primitives for the Telisaran reckoning of dates and time.
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import inspect
import sys
import re
class ReckoningError(Exception):
class ParseError(ReckoningError):
class InvalidEraError(ReckoningError):
class InvalidYearError(ReckoningError):
class InvalidSeasonError(ReckoningError):
class InvalidSpanError(ReckoningError):
class InvalidDayError(ReckoningError):
class InvalidHourError(ReckoningError):
class InvalidMinuteError(ReckoningError):
class InvalidSecondError(ReckoningError):
class InvalidDateError(ReckoningError):
class MissingSeasonError(ReckoningError):
def _suffix(day):
n = int(str(day)[-1])
if n == 1:
return 'st'
elif n == 2:
return 'nd'
elif n == 3:
return 'rd'
return 'th'
class DateObject(ABC): # pragma: no cover
Base class for all date components. This ABC implements basic arithmetic operator support for
all DateObjects as integer seconds since the beginning of time. If the current instance has a
from_seconds() method, it will be called with the result of the calculation, otherwise the
integer seconds will be returned.
Subclasses must define the number, as_seconds and length_in_seconds attributes.
number (int): The numeric index of the object in its parent group
as_seconds (int): The component object expressed as seconds since the beginning of time.
length_in_seconds (int): The number of seconds in a single object.
def number(self):
def as_seconds(self):
return (self.number - 1) * self.length_in_seconds
def length_in_seconds(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Please define the length_in_seconds class attribute.")
def __str__(self):
return str(self.number)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __int__(self):
return self.as_seconds
def __eq__(self, other):
return int(self) == int(other)
except TypeError:
return False
def __gt__(self, other):
return not self.__le__(other)
def __lt__(self, other):
return not self.__ge__(other)
def __ge__(self, other):
return int(self) >= int(other)
def __le__(self, other):
return int(self) <= int(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __add__(self, other):
val = int(self) + int(other)
if hasattr(self.__class__, 'from_seconds'):
return self.__class__.from_seconds(val)
return val
def __sub__(self, other):
val = int(self) - int(other)
if hasattr(self.__class__, 'from_seconds'):
return self.__class__.from_seconds(val)
return val
class datetime(DateObject):
A date and time on the Telisaran calendar.
era (Era): The era component of the date
year (Year): The year component of the date
season (Season): The season component of the date
day (Day): The day component of the date
hour (Hour): The hour component of the time
minute (Minute): The minute component of the time
second (int): The seconds component of the time
long (str): The long representation of the date and time
short (str): The short representation of the date and time
numeric (str): The dotted numeric representation of the date and time
numeric_date (str): The dotted numeric representation of the date (no time)
date (str): The shorthand representation of the day and date
time_long (str): The long form of the time, including names of hours
time_short (str): The short form of the time
time (str): Alias of time_short
as_seconds (int): The date and time expressed in seconds since the beginning of time
number (int): alias for as_seconds
def __init__(self, era=1, year=1, season=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0):
year (int): The year
season (int): The season, 1-8
day (int): The day, 1-45
era (int): The era, 1-3
self.era = Era(era)
self.year = Year(year, era=self.era)
if season == Year.length_in_seasons + 1:
self.season = FestivalOfTheHunt(year)
self.season = Season(season_of_year=season, year=self.year.year)
self.day = Day(day, season=self.season)
self.hour = Hour(hour)
self.minute = Minute(minute)
if second < 0 or second > 59:
raise InvalidSecondError("second {} must be between 0 and 59".format(second))
self.second = second
def long(self):
if self.season.number == 9:
template = ("{time} on {day_name}, the {day}{day_suffix} day of the {season}, "
"in the year {year} of the {era}")
template = ("{time} on {day_name}, the {day}{day_suffix} day of the {season} "
"(the {span_day}{span_day_suffix} day of the {span}{span_suffix} span) "
"in the year {year} of the {era}")
return template.format(
def numeric(self):
return (
def numeric_date(self):
return (
def date_short(self):
if self.season.number == 9:
season = 'H'
season = self.season.name[0].upper()
return "{name}{date:02d}{season}".format(
def time_long(self):
return "{minute}{hour}".format(
minute="{} past ".format(self.minute) if self.minute != 0 else '',
def time(self):
return "{0.hour.number:02d}:{0.minute.number:02d}:{0.second:02d}".format(self)
def time_short(self):
return "{short} {time}".format(
def date(self):
return self.short + ' ' + self.time_short
def short(self):
return "{name}, {day}{suffix} of the {season}, {year} {era}".format(
def as_seconds(self):
return sum(map(int, [self.era, self.year, self.season, self.day, self.hour, self.minute, self.second]))
def number(self):
return self.as_seconds
def __repr__(self):
return (
"<Date: era={0.era}, year={0.year}, season={0.season.season_of_year}, "
"day={0.day.day_of_season}, span={0.day.span}, "
"hour={0.hour}, minute={0.minute}, second={0.second}>: {0.short}".format(self)
def from_expression(cls, expression, now=None, timeline=None):
return parser(now=now, timeline=timeline).parse(expression)
def from_seconds(cls, seconds):
Return a datetime object corresponding to the given number of seconds since the beginning.
for (era, years) in enumerate(Era.years):
if years is None:
era_length = years * Year.length_in_seconds
if seconds > era_length:
seconds -= era_length
year = int((seconds) / Year.length_in_seconds)
y_sec = year * Year.length_in_seconds
season = int((seconds - y_sec) / Season.length_in_seconds)
s_sec = season * Season.length_in_seconds
day = int((seconds - y_sec - s_sec) / Day.length_in_seconds)
d_sec = day * Day.length_in_seconds
hour = int((seconds - y_sec - s_sec - d_sec) / Hour.length_in_seconds)
h_sec = hour * Hour.length_in_seconds
minute = int((seconds - y_sec - s_sec - d_sec - h_sec) / Minute.length_in_seconds)
m_sec = minute * Minute.length_in_seconds
seconds = seconds - y_sec - s_sec - d_sec - h_sec - m_sec
return cls(
era=era + 1,
year=year + 1,
season=season + 1,
day=day + 1,
class Minute(DateObject):
A representation of one minute on the Telisaran clock.
Class Attributes:
length_in_seconds (int): The length of an hour in seconds
minute (int): The minute of the hour (0-59)
number (int): alias for minute
length_in_seconds = 60
def __init__(self, minute):
if minute < 0 or minute > 59:
raise InvalidMinuteError("minute {} must be between 0 and 59")
self.minute = minute
def as_seconds(self):
return self.number * Minute.length_in_seconds
def number(self):
return self.minute
class Hour(DateObject):
A representation of one hour on the Telisaran clock.
Class Attributes:
length_in_seconds (int): The length of an hour in seconds
Instance Attributes:
hour (int): The hour of the day (0-23)
number (int): alias for hour
length_in_seconds = 60 * Minute.length_in_seconds
names = {
'0': "Black Hour",
'6': "Soul's Hour",
'12': "Sun's Hour",
'18': "Grey Hour",
def __init__(self, hour):
if hour < 0 or hour > 23:
raise InvalidHourError("hour {} must be between 0 and 23")
self.hour = hour
def as_seconds(self):
return self.number * Hour.length_in_seconds
def number(self):
return self.hour
def name(self):
if str(self) in Hour.names:
return Hour.names[str(self)]
return "{}{} hour".format(str(self), _suffix(int(self)))
class Day(DateObject):
A representation of one day on the Telisaran calendar.
Class Attributes:
length_in_seconds (int): The length of a day in seconds
names (list): The names of the days
Instance Attributes:
day_of_season (int): The day of the season (1 - 45)
day_of_span (int): The day of the span (
name (str): The name of the day
season (Season): The Season in which this day occurs
span (int): The span of the season in which this day falls (1 - 9)
length_in_seconds = 24 * Hour.length_in_seconds
names = ['Syfdag', 'Mimdag', 'Wodag', 'Thordag', 'Freydag']
def __init__(self, day_of_season, season=None):
Create a Day instance.
day_of_season (int): The day of the season between 1 and 45.
season (Season): optional, specify a Season instance for this day.
if day_of_season < 1 or day_of_season > Season.length_in_days:
raise InvalidDayError("{}: day_of_season must be between 1 and {}".format(
day_of_season, Season.length_in_days))
self.day_of_season = day_of_season
self.season = season
def number(self):
return self.day_of_season
def span(self):
return int((self.day_of_season - 1) / Span.length_in_days) + 1
def day_of_span(self):
return (self.day_of_season - 1) % Span.length_in_days + 1
def name(self):
if self.season.number == 9:
return self.season.day_names[self.day_of_span - 1]
return Day.names[self.day_of_span - 1]
def __repr__(self):
return self.name
class Span(DateObject):
A span (week) of days in a Season.
Class Attributes:
length_in_days (int): The number of days in a span.
length_in_days = len(Day.names)
length_in_seconds = length_in_days * Day.length_in_seconds
def number(self):
return 1
class Season(DateObject):
A season (month) of days in a Telisaran year.
Class Attributes:
names (list): The names of the seasons
length_in_spans (int): The number of spans in a season
length_in_days (int): The number of days in a season
Instance Attributes:
name (str): The name of the season
season_of_year (int): The season of the year, between 1 and 8.
days (list): A list of Day objects for every day in the season
year (int): The year in which this season falls.
names = ['Fox', 'Owl', 'Wolf', 'Eagle', 'Shark', 'Lion', 'Raven', 'Bear']
2023-08-20 17:00:42 -07:00
day_names = Day.names
2023-08-20 12:01:12 -07:00
length_in_spans = 9
length_in_days = length_in_spans * Span.length_in_days
length_in_seconds = length_in_days * Day.length_in_seconds
def __init__(self, season_of_year, year):
if season_of_year < 1 or season_of_year > len(Season.names):
raise InvalidSeasonError("season_of_year {} must be between 1 and {}".format(
season_of_year, len(Season.names)))
self.season_of_year = season_of_year
self.year = year
self._days = []
def number(self):
return self.season_of_year
def days(self):
if not self._days:
for i in range(1, Season.length_in_days + 1):
self._days.append(Day(i, season=self))
return self._days
def name(self):
return Season.names[self.season_of_year - 1]
def __int__(self):
return (self.season_of_year - 1) * self.length_in_seconds
def __str__(self):
return "Season of the {}".format(self.name)
2023-08-20 17:00:42 -07:00
class HuntDay(Day):
names = [
"Syf's Hunt",
"Mimir's Hunt",
"Woden's Hunt",
"Thorus's Hunt",
"Freya's Hunt"
2023-08-20 12:01:12 -07:00
class FestivalOfTheHunt(Season):
The 9th season, which only has 5 days, occurring at the end of each year.
Class Attributes:
day_names (list): The names of the days in this season
length_in_spans (int): the length of the festival in spans
length_in_days (int): The length of the festival in days
length_in_seconds (int): The length of the festival in seconds
Instance Attributes:
season_of_year (int): The season of the year (9)
days (list): A list of Day objects for every day in the season
name (str): The name of this special season
year (Year): The year in which this festival falls
2023-08-20 17:00:42 -07:00
day_names = HuntDay.names
2023-08-20 12:01:12 -07:00
length_in_spans = 1
length_in_days = 5
length_in_seconds = length_in_days * Day.length_in_seconds
def __init__(self, year):
self.season_of_year = 9
self.year = year
self._days = []
2023-08-20 17:00:42 -07:00
for i in range(1, self.length_in_days + 1):
self._days.append(HuntDay(i, season=self))
2023-08-20 12:01:12 -07:00
def name(self):
return "Festival Of The Hunt"
def __int__(self):
return (self.season_of_year - 1) * Season.length_in_seconds
def __str__(self):
return "the {}".format(self.name)
class Year(DateObject):
A year on the Telisaran calendar.
Class Attributes:
length_in_seasons (int): The length of a year in seasons
length_in_spans (int): The length of a year in spans
length_in_days (int): The length of a year in days
length_in_seconds (int): The length of a year in seconds
Instance Attributes:
era (Era): The era
year (Year): The year
seasons (list): The seasons in the year
number (int): Alias of year
# precompute some length properties. Note that every year has one extra span, the Festival Of
# The Hunt, which falls between the last span of the Bear and the first span of the Fox.
length_in_seasons = len(Season.names)
length_in_spans = (length_in_seasons * Season.length_in_spans) + 1
length_in_days = length_in_spans * Span.length_in_days
length_in_seconds = length_in_days * Day.length_in_seconds
def __init__(self, year, era):
Instantiate a Year object
year (int): The year of the era.
era (int): The era
self.era = era
if year < 1:
raise InvalidYearError("Years must be greater than 1.")
if self.era.end and year > self.era.end:
raise InvalidYearError("The {} ended in {}".format(self.era.long, self.era.end))
self.year = year
self.seasons = [Season(i, self) for i in range(1, Year.length_in_seasons + 1)]
def number(self):
return self.year
class Era(DateObject):
An age of years, by Telisaran reckoning.
Class Attributes:
long_names (list): The long names of the eras
shot_names (list): The abbreviated names of the eras
lenth_in_seconds (int): The length of an era, in seconds
Instance Attributes:
era (int): The number of the era (1-3)
end (int): The last year of the era
short (str): The short name of this era
long (str): The long name of this era
number (int): Alias for era
long_names = ['Ancient Era', 'Old Era', 'Modern Era']
short_names = ['AE', 'OE', 'ME']
years = [20000, 10000, None]
def __init__(self, era, end=None):
era (int): The number of the era; must be between 1 and 3.
end (year): The last year of the era
if era < 1 or era > len(Era.long_names):
raise InvalidEraError("{}: Eras must be between 0 and {}".format(era, len(Era.long_names)))
self.era = era
self.end = Era.years[self.era - 1]
self.length_in_seconds = sum(Era.years[:self.era - 1]) * Year.length_in_seconds
def short(self):
return Era.short_names[self.era - 1]
def long(self):
return Era.long_names[self.era - 1]
def number(self):
return self.era
def __int__(self):
return self.length_in_seconds
def __repr__(self):
return self.long
class parser:
A lexical date expression parser that can understand various relative dates. Some examples:
2 days before 3.3206.3.36
11 spans later than now
2 days after tomorrow
11 spans later than now
1000 years ago
at 2.4839.7.22
If initialized with a timeline, the parser will also support references to events:
36 hours before campaign start
11 spans after the party returns from the feywild
Class Attributes:
future_modifiers (list): list of phrases that indicate a positive (future) date
past_modifiers (list): list of phrases that indicate a negative (past) date
patterns (list): A list of regular expression objects that will be used, in order, to parse
the date expressions
Instance Attributes:
now (int): the date relative to which dates will be calculated, in seconds.
timeline (dict): A dictionary of event datetimes
future_modifiers = [
'later than',
past_modifiers = [
'earlier than',
'prior to',
patterns = [
# <value> <unit> <modifier> <start>
r'(?P<value>\d+)\s+' +
r'(?P<unit>\S+)\s+' +
r'(?P<modifier>{})'.format('|'.join(future_modifiers + past_modifiers)) +
# at <start>
def __init__(self, now=None, timeline={}):
now (datetime): the date against which calculate the relative date
timeline (dict): a dictionary of event datetimes keyed by description
self.timeline = timeline
if not now:
self.now = today.as_seconds
self.now = self.timeline[str(now)].as_seconds
except KeyError:
self.now = int(now)
def parse(self, expression):
Parse an expression and return a datetime object computed relative to 'now'.
expression (str): The expression to parse.
datetime: A datetime object
for pattern in parser.patterns:
m = pattern.match(expression)
if m:
return datetime.from_seconds(self.calculate_date(**m.groupdict()))
raise ParseError("Could not parse expression '{}' using any pattern".format(expression))
def _parse_value(self, value, unit):
Convert a value into integer seconds.
value (int): the value to convert (eg. "2", "37")
unit (str): The units to convert to seconds (eg. "Days", "Year")
int: The integer seconds of value * units, or 0 if either of value or unit is None
if None not in (value, unit):
return int(value) * self.get_unit_class(unit).length_in_seconds
return 0
def _parse_start(self, expression):
Convert a starting time expression to a datetime object. The expression can be one of:
- a date in numeric format (eg. "3.3206.12.17");
- a datetime instance defined in this module (eg. "yesterday", "tomorrow")
- a member of the timeline dictionary
If start is False, the parser's 'now' will be used.
expression (str): The expression to convert to a datetime object
datetime: The datetime object
ParseError: If the sub-expression cannot be parsed
# if there is no start, use 'now', ie, whatever the parser was seeded with for now
if not expression:
return self.now
# if start is a member of the timeline, use the date associated with that event
if expression in self.timeline:
return self.timeline[expression]
# the start might be a datetime instance defined by this module ('yesterday', 'today', etc)
return [
i for i in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__])
if isinstance(i[1], datetime) and str(i[0]).lower() == expression.lower()
except IndexError:
# the start might be a numeric date string
return datetime(*(map(int, expression.split('.'))))
except ValueError:
raise ParseError("Unable to parse date exprssion {}".format(expression))
def calculate_date(self, modifier, start='', value=None, unit=None):
Calculate a date by parsing a modifier sub-expression, possibly with a value and unit,
and applying it to the starting date.
modifier (str): A string specifying what kind of calculation to make; must be a member
of past_modifiers, future_modifiers, 'at', or 'on'.
start (str): The expression defining the date to apply the calculation to
value (str): A string of digits
unit (str): A string referencing time units defined by this module (eg. day, years, etc)
datetime: The datetime object
ParseError: If a date cannot be calculated from input
if modifier == 'ago':
start = 'now'
start = start.strip()
if not start:
start = 'now'
offset = self._parse_value(value, unit)
start = self._parse_start(start)
if modifier.lower() in ('at', 'on'):
return start.as_seconds
elif modifier.lower() in self.past_modifiers:
return int(start) - offset
elif modifier.lower() in self.future_modifiers:
return int(start) + offset
raise ParseError("Could not parse range modifier '{}'".format(modifier))
def get_unit_class(self, unit):
Returns the class referenced by the unit string (Era, Year, Season, Span, Day, Hour, etc).
Plurals will be stripped and capialization will be forced, so 'minutes' is equivalent to
unit (str): The name of the unit of time to look up in this module
DateObject: The subclass of DateObject
names = [unit.title(), unit.title().rstrip('s')]
for (name, obj) in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass):
if name in names:
return obj
raise ParseError("Could not find a datetime object for {}".format(unit))
# helpful shortcuts for importing and hints for the parser
now = datetime(year=1, season=1, day=1, era=1)
today = now
yesterday = None