# example.yaml # # This is an annotated example source file for generating random roll tables. # # metadata is optional metadata: # headers are optional headers: # The first column header always applies to the frequency label; # you can hide this (or any other column) by setting the header to null - Rarity - Color - Notes # frequencies are optional; by default distribution will be uniform frequencies: # multiple distributions may be specified besides 'default' default: common: 0.5 uncommon: 0.3 rare: 0.15 wondrous: 0.05 # 'common' is the text label for the frequency distribution common: # each time a 'common' value is selected for the table, it will be # chosen at random from the following values - red - orange - yellow uncommon: - green - blue rare: - indigo - violet wondrous: # choices can be definitions; both key and the value will be added as columns - octarine: the color of magic