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<title>The Dead Sands: A 5e Homebrew Campaign</title>
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<p>The Second Era ended in fire. The Empire of Yanrin Didan -- "Glowing Sands" in the common tongue -- spanned half the continent of Vosh, from the Sea of Storms in the south and across the jungles of Dewa Q'Asos to the peaks of Hoard's Vault. Its civilization stood unchallenged for an age, until a great power swept aside their magics, destroyed their cities, and scorched the earth leaving behind only dry, dead rock. No one knows just what caused destruction on such a scale, for it is said that not one soul survived the cataclysm and now, a thousand years later, their name and thousands of miles of desert are all that remain. The Empire's arcane wonders, their secrets, and their doom all lie buried under the dead sands of the Sahwat.</p>
<p>But there are whispers. Rumours of hoppers returning from the desert streaming gold from their packs and long-dead artifacts suddenly glowing with new enchantments. Sightings of strange, twisted creatures appearing on the dunes only to disappear like a mirage. And rumours that somewhere in the heart of the Sahwat, through the magical storms, across the dunes, at the very seat of that dead empire: history is stirring.</p>
<p>Welcome to Telisar.</p>
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<h3>Recent Sessions</h3>
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<h3>Recent Lore</h3>
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<a class='title' href="./lore/factions/" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to Factions">Factions</a><span class="summary"> <p>The politics of the Dewa Q'Asos are mostly localized -- city-states have their own laws and political structures and while they may share competing interests, outright hostilities between states is rare. Perhaps most significant to keeping the peace is the reach of the Factions -- quasi-political entities that transcend local politics to …</p> </span>
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<a class='title' href="./dm/desert-travel-rules/" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to Desert Travel Rules">Desert Travel Rules</a><span class="summary"> <h3>Overland Travel</h3>
<p>The Sahwat is a vast desert region stretching some thousands of square miles, containing a variety of conditions: rocky mesas, scrub, cactus forests, empty bedrock, plateaus, valleys, caverns, salt flats, and endless dunes. At the heart of the desert lies an impenetrable whirlwind called the Heartstorm through which …</p> </span>
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<a class='title' href="./lore/languages/" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to Languages">Languages</a><span class="summary"> <h3>The Old Blood Tongues</h3>
<p>Common is the trader's tongue, and can be reliably spoken in most parts of the Dewa Q'Asos without fear of being misunderstood. This is somewhat true of the Old Blood languages and Draconic as well, though it depends mostly on population density. Some general notes …</p> </span>
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<a class='title' href="./lore/demographics/" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to Demographics - A Question of Blood">Demographics - A Question of Blood</a><span class="summary"> <p>The Dewa Q'Asos is home to folks from a variety of genetic and cultural backgrounds. Old Blood — that of Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings and Gnomes — is found in abundance here. Those with the Blood Draconic are present also: Dragonborn, Tieflings, Lizardfolk, even a few Kobold. But the effects of the …</p> </span>
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<a class='title' href="./lore/cities-and-trade/" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to Cities and Trade">Cities and Trade</a><span class="summary"> <p>Over the last several hundred years, a variety of folk have settled the northen rim of the Dewa Q'Asos, in the shadow of Hoard's Vault where temperatures are milder. A few larger city-states have risen, with several smaller communities along the trade routes. By far the largest is Gazakh Noch …</p> </span>
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