import sys from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path import click import typer from rolltable.types import RollTable from site_tools.content_manager import create from site_tools import build_system class ContentType(str, Enum): post = "post" lore = "lore" monster = "monster" region = "region" location = "location" page = "page" class Die(str, Enum): d100 = "100" d20 = "20" d12 = "12" d10 = "10" d6 = "6" d4 = "4" source_path = Path(build_system.CONFIG['data_path']).expanduser() / build_system.CONFIG['campaign_name'] / 'sources' locations = dict((, loc) for loc in (source_path / 'stores').iterdir() if loc.is_dir()) Location = Enum("Location", ((name, name) for name in locations.keys())) # 'site' ENTRY POINT site_app = typer.Typer() # BUILD SYSTEM SUBCOMMANDS @site_app.command() def clean() -> None: build_system.clean() @site_app.command() def build() -> None: @site_app.command() def watch() -> None: @site_app.command() def serve() -> None: build_system.serve() @site_app.command() def publish() -> None: build_system.publish() # CONTENT MANAGEMENT COMMANDS @site_app.command() def restock( location: Location = typer.Argument(..., help="Where to restock."), frequency: str = typer.Option("default", help="use the specified frequency from the source file"), die: Die = typer.Option('20', help="The size of the die for which to create a table"), template_dir: str = typer.Argument( build_system.CONFIG["templates_path"], help="Override the default location for markdown templates.", ), ) -> None: for store in locations[].iterdir(): rt = RollTable([store.read_text()], frequency=frequency, die=int(die), hide_rolls=True) store_attributes = rt.datasources[0].metadata["store"] click.edit( filename=create( content_type="post", title=store_attributes["title"], template_dir=template_dir, category="stores", template="store", extra_context=dict(inventory=rt.as_markdown(), **store_attributes), ) ) @site_app.command() def new( content_type: ContentType = typer.Argument( ..., help="The type of content to create.", ), title: str = typer.Argument( ..., help="The title of the content.", ), category: str = typer.Argument( None, help='Override the default category; required for "post" content.', ), template: str = typer.Argument( None, help="Override the default template for the content_type.", ), template_dir: str = typer.Argument( build_system.CONFIG["templates_path"], help="Override the default location for markdown templates.", ), ) -> None: if not category: match content_type: case "post": print("You must specify a category for 'post' content.") sys.exit() case "monster": category = "bestiary" case "region": category = "locations" case "location": category = "locations" case "page": category = "pages" case _: category = content_type.value click.edit(filename=create(content_type.value, title, template_dir, category, template or content_type.value)) if __name__ == "__main__": site_app()