metadata: headers: - Effect - Description - Mechanics frequencies: default: Effect: 1 Effect: - Elation: - You are consumed with love for all things - Charmed by all creatures, +2 to AC - Paranoia: - Everyone is out to get you. Everyone. What are they hiding? - Automatically succeed all insight checks vs deception; no one is your ally - Baked: - Everything is hilarious, and you are always hungry for snacks. - Disadvantage on all attack rolls, Advantage on saves against psychic effects. - Wasted: - Your speech is slurred, you have difficulty thinking clearly, and have mild vertigo - You cannot use reactions; disadvantage on all checks and saves using DEX. +2 to AC. - Sleepy: - Why do we have to keep doing things? Doing things is hard. - Your movement speed is reduced by 10ft and you cannot use reactions. Advantage on saves against psychic effects. - Horror: - You have stared into the abyss of your soul and found only blackness. - Frightened by all creatures. Disadvantage on all saves against psychic effects. - Mania: - You are possessed by feverish mania; ideas and words tumble out of as quickly as possible. You cannot stop them. - Automatic critical success on all perception checks; advantage on DEX saves; disadvantage on all attack rolls. - Rage: - You are seething with anger at the injustice of your situation. Everything is a personal attack, a challengge. - You are raged. - Cosmic Awareness: - Your mind expands to contain the cosmos, which fills you with a wonder you cannot convey. Whenever you speak it is in metaphor. - Once per day, you can decide something about the world is true and it will become so. - Ego-Death: - Your sense of self, your identity, is revealed as an empty construct. You are all things and all things are you. - Whenever an ally takes damage, you take 1 point of psychic damage. Whenever an ally heals, you regain 1 HP.