metadata: headers: - Rarity - Description - Effect frequencies: default: Common: 0.5 Uncommon: 0.3 Rare: 0.15 Weird: 0.05 deadly: Common: 0.05 Uncommon: 0.15 Rare: 0.3 Weird: 0.5 Common: - Clear Skies: No effect Uncommon: - Scorching Temperatures: 2x water consumption - Clinging Sand: Disadvantage on STR checks and saves - Searing Light: Disadvantage on DEX checks and saves - Ghostly Wailing: Disadvantage on CON checks for concentration checks - Low Oxygen: Disadvantage on INT checks and saves - Glowing Dust Storm: Disadvantge on WIS checks and saves - Psychic Fog: Disadvantage on CHA checks and saves - Sand Storm: Heavily obscured; visibility 5ft, disadvantage on WIS (Perception) checks and INT (Investigation) checks - Burning Sands: Ground travelers must succeed on a DC 15 CON save or take 1d6 fire damage every half-day. - Oppressive Quiet: Silence beyond 20ft; disadvantage on WIS checks involving sound - Insect Swarms: 1d6 Piercing damage per half-day - Air of Dread: Succeed on DC 15 WIS save or be frightened for half-day Rare: - Magnetic Turmoil: North moves randomly - Spontaneous Hail: No effect; counts as magical water if consumed - Glowing Auras: Faerie Fire spell effect - Heavy Gravity: Disadvantge on STR, DEX checks and saves - Random Whirlwinds: At the start of each round, whirlwinds 10ft in diameter and and 100ft tall randomly form. Any creature within 10ft of a whirlwind at the start of their turn must succeed on a DC 15 STR (Athletics) save or be pulled 10ft towards it. A creature occupying the same space as a whirlwind at the start of their turn takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage. - Tentacles: At the start of each round, Black Tentacles is cast on a random area. Creatures starting their turn there must succeed on a DC 15 DEX saving throw or take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and be restrained. A creature who starts their turn already restrained takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage. - Broken Time: At the start of each round, the DM rolls a d20. Until the start of the next round, anyone with initiative score greater than or equal to the DM's roll is slowed and anyone lower is hasted. Weird: - Whispered Insanity: > "Clear skies" (but you are cursed; the DM rolls for each traveler) d1 - None of this is really happening. d2 - We're invincible! d3 - They're all turning against you. d4 - You're being followed. d5 - An object in your inventory is the key to your survival. d6 - Your soul has fled your body. d7 - One of your companions is an imposter. d8 - You should take off your clothes and experience true freedom. - Inverted Bubble Rain: No effect - Hot Metal Storm: Heat Metal spell effect (gearforged take 1pt exhaustion per half-day) - Morphing Dust: DC 15 WIS saving throw or become a frog each half-day - Ethereal Wind: Travelers are transported to the Border Ethereal. - Arcane Mirages: Mirage Arcane spell effect; disadvantage on skill checks to Forage and Survey - Magonic Field Resonance: All spell damage / effect rolls are maxed.