# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import inspect import shlex import shutil import datetime from pathlib import Path from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader from invoke import task from invoke.main import program from pelican import main as pelican_main from pelican.writers import Writer from pelican.utils import slugify, sanitised_join from pelican.settings import DEFAULT_CONFIG, get_settings_from_file OPEN_BROWSER_ON_SERVE = True SETTINGS_FILE_BASE = 'pelicanconf.py' SETTINGS = {} SETTINGS.update(DEFAULT_CONFIG) LOCAL_SETTINGS = get_settings_from_file(SETTINGS_FILE_BASE) SETTINGS.update(LOCAL_SETTINGS) CONFIG = { 'settings_base': SETTINGS_FILE_BASE, 'settings_publish': 'publishconf.py', # Output path. Can be absolute or relative to tasks.py. Default: 'output' 'deploy_path': SETTINGS['OUTPUT_PATH'], # Remote server configuration 'ssh_user': 'greg', 'ssh_host': 'froghat.club', 'ssh_port': '22', 'ssh_path': '/usr/local/deploy/deadsands/', # Host and port for `serve` 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 8000, } @task def clean(c): """Remove generated files""" if os.path.isdir(CONFIG['deploy_path']): shutil.rmtree(CONFIG['deploy_path']) os.makedirs(CONFIG['deploy_path']) @task def build(c): """Build local version of site""" pelican_run('-s {settings_base}'.format(**CONFIG)) @task def rebuild(c): """`build` with the delete switch""" pelican_run('-d -s {settings_base}'.format(**CONFIG)) @task def regenerate(c): """Automatically regenerate site upon file modification""" pelican_run('-r -s {settings_base}'.format(**CONFIG)) @task def serve(c): """Serve site at http://$HOST:$PORT/ (default is localhost:8000)""" pelican_run('-rl -b {host} -p {port} --relative-urls -D --ignore-cache ' '-s {settings_base} -e SHOW_DRAFTS="true"'.format(**CONFIG)) @task def reserve(c): """`build`, then `serve`""" build(c) serve(c) @task def preview(c): """Build production version of site""" pelican_run('-s {settings_publish}'.format(**CONFIG)) @task def livereload(c): """Automatically reload browser tab upon file modification.""" from livereload import Server def cached_build(): cmd = '-s {settings_base} -e CACHE_CONTENT=True LOAD_CONTENT_CACHE=True' pelican_run(cmd.format(**CONFIG)) cached_build() server = Server() theme_path = SETTINGS['THEME'] watched_globs = [ CONFIG['settings_base'], '{}/templates/**/*.html'.format(theme_path), ] content_file_extensions = ['.md', '.rst'] for extension in content_file_extensions: content_glob = '{0}/**/*{1}'.format(SETTINGS['PATH'], extension) watched_globs.append(content_glob) static_file_extensions = ['.css', '.js'] for extension in static_file_extensions: static_file_glob = '{0}/static/**/*{1}'.format(theme_path, extension) watched_globs.append(static_file_glob) for glob in watched_globs: server.watch(glob, cached_build) if OPEN_BROWSER_ON_SERVE: # Open site in default browser import webbrowser webbrowser.open("http://{host}:{port}".format(**CONFIG)) server.serve(host=CONFIG['host'], port=CONFIG['port'], root=CONFIG['deploy_path']) @task def publish(c): """Publish to production via rsync""" pelican_run('-s {settings_publish}'.format(**CONFIG)) c.run( 'rsync --delete --exclude ".DS_Store" -pthrvz -c ' '-e "ssh -p {ssh_port}" ' '{} {ssh_user}@{ssh_host}:{ssh_path}'.format( CONFIG['deploy_path'].rstrip('/') + '/', **CONFIG)) @task def monster(c, name, t='default'): """Create a new monster""" return create_new_content(c, name, template=t, category='beastiary') @task def lore(c, title, t='default'): """Create a new lore post""" return create_new_content(c, title, template=t, category='lore') @task def post(c, category, title, t=None, template_dir='markdown-templates'): """Create a new post in the specified category""" return create_new_content(c, title, template=t or category, template_dir=template_dir, category=category) @task def page(c, title, t='default', template_dir='markdown-templates'): """Create a new page""" return create_new_content(c, title, template=t, template_dir=template_dir, output_path='pages') def create_new_content(c, title, template_dir='markdown-templates', category="", template=None, output_path=''): """Create new content of a given type and invoke the editor.""" content_type = template or inspect.stack()[1].function print(f"Creating new '{content_type}' content: \"{category}/{title}\"") base_path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() def _slugify(s): return slugify(s, regex_subs=DEFAULT_CONFIG['SLUG_REGEX_SUBSTITUTIONS']) template_path = Path(template_dir) template_name = _slugify(content_type) + ".md" if not (template_path / template_name).exists(): template_name = 'default.md' print("Using default markdown template.") target_filename = _slugify(title) + '.md' target_path = base_path / SETTINGS['PATH'] if output_path: target_path = target_path / output_path if category: target_path = target_path / slugify(category) template = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(template_path), trim_blocks=True, ).get_template(template_name) dest = sanitised_join(str(target_path / target_filename)) SETTINGS['WRITE_SELECTED'].append(dest) writer = Writer(target_path, settings=SETTINGS) writer.write_file(name=target_filename, template=template, context={ 'title': title, 'tags': content_type, 'date': datetime.datetime.now(), 'filename': dest }) c.run(f"$EDITOR {dest}", pty=True) def pelican_run(cmd): cmd += ' ' + program.core.remainder # allows to pass-through args to pelican pelican_main(shlex.split(cmd))