import asyncio import os import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import termios import webbrowser from collections import defaultdict from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from time import sleep import click import typer from livereload import Server from livereload.watcher import INotifyWatcher from pelican import main as pelican_main from rolltable.tables import RollTable from typing_extensions import Annotated import site_tools as st from site_tools.content_manager import create from import DMShell CONFIG = defaultdict(dict) CONFIG.update( { "settings_base": st.DEV_SETTINGS_FILE_BASE, "settings_publish": st.PUB_SETTINGS_FILE_BASE, # Output path. Can be absolute or relative to Default: 'output' "deploy_path": st.SETTINGS["OUTPUT_PATH"], # Remote server configuration "ssh_user": "greg", "ssh_host": "", "ssh_port": "22", "ssh_path": "/usr/local/deploy/deadsands/", # Host and port for `serve` "host": "localhost", "port": 8000, # content manager config "templates_path": "markdown-templates", # directory to watch for new assets "import_path": "imports", # where new asseets will be made available "production_host": "", # where to find roll table sources "table_sources_path": "sources", } ) app = typer.Typer() class ContentType(str, Enum): post = "post" lore = "lore" monster = "monster" region = "region" location = "location" page = "page" class Die(str, Enum): d100 = "100" d20 = "20" d12 = "12" d10 = "10" d6 = "6" d4 = "4" def pelican_run(cmd: list = [], publish=False) -> None: settings = CONFIG["settings_publish" if publish else "settings_base"] pelican_main(["-s", settings] + cmd) @app.command() def clean() -> None: if os.path.isdir(CONFIG["deploy_path"]): shutil.rmtree(CONFIG["deploy_path"]) os.makedirs(CONFIG["deploy_path"]) @app.command() def build() -> None:"git submodule update --remote --merge")) pelican_run() @app.command() def watch() -> None: import_path = Path(CONFIG["import_path"]) content_path = Path(st.SETTINGS["PATH"]) def do_import(): assets = [] for src in import_path.rglob("*"): relpath = src.relative_to(import_path) target = content_path / relpath if src.is_dir(): target.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) continue if target.exists(): print(f"{target}: exists; skipping.") continue print(f"{target}: importing...") src.link_to(target)"git add {target}")) uri = target.relative_to("content") assets.append(f"https://{CONFIG['production_host']}/{uri}") src.unlink() if assets: publish() print("\n\t".join(["\nImported Asset URLS:"] + assets)) print("\n") watcher = INotifyWatcher(), do_import) watcher.start(do_import) print(f"Watching {import_path}. CTRL+C to exit.") while True: watcher.examine() sleep(5) @app.command() def serve() -> None: url = "http://{host}:{port}/".format(**CONFIG) def cached_build(): pelican_run(["-ve", "CACHE_CONTENT=true", "LOAD_CONTENT_CACHE=true", "SHOW_DRAFTS=true", f'SITEURL="{url}"']) clean() cached_build() server = Server() theme_path = st.SETTINGS["THEME"] watched_globs = [ CONFIG["settings_base"], "{}/templates/**/*.html".format(theme_path), ] content_file_extensions = [".md", ".rst"] for extension in content_file_extensions: content_glob = "{0}/**/*{1}".format(st.SETTINGS["PATH"], extension) watched_globs.append(content_glob) static_file_extensions = [".css", ".js"] for extension in static_file_extensions: static_file_glob = "{0}/static/**/*{1}".format(theme_path, extension) watched_globs.append(static_file_glob) for glob in watched_globs:, cached_build) if st.OPEN_BROWSER_ON_SERVE: server.serve(host=CONFIG["host"], port=CONFIG["port"], root=CONFIG["deploy_path"]) @app.command() def publish() -> None: clean() pelican_run(publish=True) shlex.split( 'rsync --delete --exclude ".DS_Store" -pthrvz -c ' '-e "ssh -p {ssh_port}" ' "{} {ssh_user}@{ssh_host}:{ssh_path}".format(CONFIG["deploy_path"].rstrip("/") + "/", **CONFIG) ) ) @app.command() def restock( source: str = typer.Argument(..., help="The source file for the store."), frequency: str = Annotated[str, typer.Option("default", help="use the specified frequency from the source file")], die: Die = typer.Option(20, help="The size of the die for which to create a table"), template_dir: str = Annotated[ str, typer.Argument( CONFIG["templates_path"], help="Override the default location for markdown templates.", ), ], ) -> None: rt = RollTable([Path(source).read_text()], frequency=frequency, die=die, hide_rolls=True) store = rt.datasources[0].metadata["store"] click.edit( filename=create( content_type="post", title=store["title"], template_dir=template_dir, category="stores", template="store", extra_context=dict(inventory=rt.as_markdown, **store), ) ) @app.command() def new( content_type: ContentType = typer.Argument( ..., help="The type of content to create.", ), title: str = typer.Argument( ..., help="The title of the content.", ), category: str = typer.Argument( None, help='Override the default category; required for "post" content.', ), template: str = typer.Argument( None, help="Override the default template for the content_type.", ), template_dir: str = typer.Argument( CONFIG["templates_path"], help="Override the default location for markdown templates.", ), ) -> None: if not category: match content_type: case "post": print("You must specify a category for 'post' content.") sys.exit() case "monster": category = "bestiary" case "region": category = "locations" case "location": category = "locations" case "page": category = "pages" case _: category = content_type.value click.edit(filename=create(content_type.value, title, template_dir, category, template or content_type.value)) def dmsh(): old_attrs = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) try: finally: termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSANOW, old_attrs) if __name__ == "__main__": app()