import asyncio import click import os import shutil import subprocess import shlex import sys import typer import webbrowser import site_tools as st from enum import Enum from livereload import Server from livereload.watcher import INotifyWatcher from pathlib import Path from pelican import main as pelican_main from time import sleep from typing_extensions import Annotated from collections import defaultdict from site_tools.content_manager import create from import InteractiveShell from rolltable.tables import RollTable CONFIG = { 'settings_base': st.DEV_SETTINGS_FILE_BASE, 'settings_publish': st.PUB_SETTINGS_FILE_BASE, # Output path. Can be absolute or relative to Default: 'output' 'deploy_path': st.SETTINGS['OUTPUT_PATH'], # Remote server configuration 'ssh_user': 'greg', 'ssh_host': '', 'ssh_port': '22', 'ssh_path': '/usr/local/deploy/deadsands/', # Host and port for `serve` 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 8000, # content manager config 'templates_path': 'markdown-templates', # directory to watch for new assets 'import_path': 'imports', # where new asseets will be made available 'production_host': '', # where to find roll table sources 'table_sources_path': 'sources', } app = typer.Typer() class ContentType(str, Enum): post = 'post' lore = 'lore' monster = 'monster' region = 'region' location = 'location' page = 'page' class Die(str, Enum): d100 = '100' d20 = '20' d12 = '12' d10 = '10' d6 = '6' d4 = '4' def pelican_run(cmd: list = [], publish=False) -> None: settings = CONFIG['settings_publish' if publish else 'settings_base'] pelican_main(['-s', settings] + cmd) @app.command() def clean() -> None: if os.path.isdir(CONFIG['deploy_path']): shutil.rmtree(CONFIG['deploy_path']) os.makedirs(CONFIG['deploy_path']) @app.command() def build() -> None:'git submodule update --remote --merge')) pelican_run() @app.command() def watch() -> None: import_path = Path(CONFIG['import_path']) content_path = Path(st.SETTINGS['PATH']) def do_import(): assets = [] for src in import_path.rglob('*'): relpath = src.relative_to(import_path) target = content_path / relpath if src.is_dir(): target.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) continue if target.exists(): print(f"{target}: exists; skipping.") continue print(f"{target}: importing...") src.link_to(target)'git add {target}')) uri = target.relative_to('content') assets.append(f"https://{CONFIG['production_host']}/{uri}") src.unlink() if assets: publish() print('\n\t'.join(["\nImported Asset URLS:"] + assets)) print("\n") watcher = INotifyWatcher(), do_import) watcher.start(do_import) print(f"Watching {import_path}. CTRL+C to exit.") while True: watcher.examine() sleep(5) @app.command() def serve() -> None: url = 'http://{host}:{port}/'.format(**CONFIG) def cached_build(): pelican_run(['-ve', 'CACHE_CONTENT=true', 'LOAD_CONTENT_CACHE=true', 'SHOW_DRAFTS=true', f'SITEURL="{url}"']) clean() cached_build() server = Server() theme_path = st.SETTINGS['THEME'] watched_globs = [ CONFIG['settings_base'], '{}/templates/**/*.html'.format(theme_path), ] content_file_extensions = ['.md', '.rst'] for extension in content_file_extensions: content_glob = '{0}/**/*{1}'.format(st.SETTINGS['PATH'], extension) watched_globs.append(content_glob) static_file_extensions = ['.css', '.js'] for extension in static_file_extensions: static_file_glob = '{0}/static/**/*{1}'.format(theme_path, extension) watched_globs.append(static_file_glob) for glob in watched_globs:, cached_build) if st.OPEN_BROWSER_ON_SERVE: server.serve(host=CONFIG['host'], port=CONFIG['port'], root=CONFIG['deploy_path']) @app.command() def publish() -> None: clean() pelican_run(publish=True) 'rsync --delete --exclude ".DS_Store" -pthrvz -c ' '-e "ssh -p {ssh_port}" ' '{} {ssh_user}@{ssh_host}:{ssh_path}'.format( CONFIG['deploy_path'].rstrip('/') + '/', **CONFIG ) )) @app.command() def restock(source: str = typer.Argument( ..., help='The source file for the store.' ), frequency: str = Annotated[ str, typer.Option( 'default', help='use the specified frequency from the source file' ) ], die: Die = typer.Option( 20, help='The size of the die for which to create a table' ), template_dir: str = Annotated[ str, typer.Argument( CONFIG['templates_path'], help="Override the default location for markdown templates.", ) ], ) -> None: rt = RollTable( [Path(source).read_text()], frequency=frequency, die=die, hide_rolls=True ) store = rt.datasources[0].metadata['store'] click.edit(filename=create( content_type='post', title=store['title'], template_dir=template_dir, category='stores', template='store', extra_context=dict( inventory=rt.as_markdown, **store ) )) @app.command() def new( content_type: ContentType = typer.Argument( ..., help="The type of content to create.", ), title: str = typer.Argument( ..., help="The title of the content.", ), category: str = typer.Argument( None, help='Override the default category; required for "post" content.', ), template: str = typer.Argument( None, help="Override the default template for the content_type.", ), template_dir: str = typer.Argument( CONFIG['templates_path'], help="Override the default location for markdown templates.", ) ) -> None: if not category: match content_type: case 'post': print("You must specify a category for 'post' content.") sys.exit() case 'monster': category = 'bestiary' case 'region': category = 'locations' case 'location': category = 'locations' case 'page': category = 'pages' case _: category = content_type.value click.edit(filename=create(content_type.value, title, template_dir, category, template or content_type.value)) @app.command() def dmsh(): import termios, sys session = defaultdict(dict) prompt = InteractiveShell( [ "[title]DM's Shell.[/title]", 'dmsh' ], config=CONFIG, session=session ) # ensure the terminal is restored on exit. old_attrs = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) try: finally: termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSANOW, old_attrs) if __name__ == '__main__': app()