import logging import os from textwrap import indent from typing import Union, List from groove import db from groove.editor import PlaylistEditor, EDITOR_TEMPLATE from groove.exceptions import PlaylistValidationError, TrackNotFoundError from slugify import slugify from sqlalchemy import func, delete from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session from sqlalchemy.engine.row import Row from sqlalchemy.exc import NoResultFound, MultipleResultsFound from yaml.scanner import ScannerError class Playlist: """ CRUD operations and convenience methods for playlists. """ def __init__(self, name: str, session: Session, slug: str = '', description: str = '', create_ok=True): self._session = session self._name = name if not self._name: raise PlaylistValidationError("Name cannot be empty.") self._slug = slug or slugify(name) self._description = description self._entries = [] self._record = None self._create_ok = create_ok self._deleted = False self._editor = PlaylistEditor() @property def deleted(self) -> bool: return self._deleted @property def exists(self) -> bool: if self.deleted: logging.debug("Playlist has been deleted.") return False if not self._record: if self._create_ok: return True and self.record return False return True @property def editor(self): return self._editor @property def name(self): return self._name @property def description(self): return self._description @property def info(self): count = len(self.entries) return f"{}: {self.url} [{count} tracks]\n{self.description}\n" @property def url(self) -> str: base = os.environ.get('BASE_URL', f"http://{os.environ['HOST']}:{os.environ['PORT']}") return f"{base}/playlist/{self.slug}" @property def slug(self) -> str: return self._slug @property def session(self) -> Session: return self._session @property def record(self) -> Union[Row, None, bool]: """ Cache the playlist row from the database and return it. Optionally create it if it doesn't exist. Returns: None: If we've never tried to get or create the record False: False if we've tried and failed to get the record Row: The record as it appears in the database. """ if self._record is None: self.get_or_create() return self._record @property def entries(self) -> List: """ Cache the list of entries on this playlist and return it. """ if not self._entries: if self.record: query = self.session.query( db.entry, db.track ).filter( ( == ).filter( db.entry.c.playlist_id == ).filter( db.entry.c.track_id == ).order_by( db.entry.c.track ) self._entries = query.all() return self._entries @property def as_dict(self) -> dict: """ Return a dictionary of the playlist and its entries. """ playlist = { 'name':, 'slug': self.slug, 'description': self.description, 'url': self.url } if self.record: playlist.update(dict(self.record)) playlist['entries'] = [dict(entry) for entry in self.entries] return playlist @property def as_string(self) -> str: text = for (tracknum, entry) in enumerate(self.entries): text += f" {tracknum+1:-3d}. {entry.artist} - {entry.title}\n" return text @property def as_yaml(self) -> str: template_vars = self.as_dict template_vars['description'] = indent(template_vars['description'], prefix=' ') template_vars['entries'] = '' for entry in self.entries: template_vars['entries'] += f' - "{entry.artist}": "{entry.title}"\n' return EDITOR_TEMPLATE.format(**template_vars) def _get_tracks_by_path(self, paths: List[str]) -> List: """ Retrieve tracks from the database that match the specified path fragments. The exceptions NoResultFound and MultipleResultsFound are expected in the case of no matches and multiple matches, respectively. """ for path in paths: try: yield self.session.query(db.track).filter( db.track.c.relpath.ilike(f"%{path}%") ).one() except NoResultFound: raise TrackNotFoundError(f'Could not find track for path "{path}"') def _get_tracks_by_artist_and_title(self, entries: List[tuple]) -> List: for (artist, title) in entries: try: yield self.session.query(db.track).filter( db.track.c.artist == artist, db.track.c.title == title ).one() except NoResultFound: # pragma: no cover raise TrackNotFoundError(f'Could not find track "{artist}": "{title}"') def _get(self): try: return self.session.query(db.playlist).filter( db.playlist.c.slug == self.slug ).one() except NoResultFound: logging.debug(f"Could not find a playlist with slug {self.slug}.") return False def _insert(self, values): stmt = db.playlist.insert(values) results = self.session.execute(stmt) self.session.commit() logging.debug(f"Inserted playlist with slug {self.slug}") return self.session.query(db.playlist).filter( == results.inserted_primary_key[0] ).one() def _update(self, values): stmt = db.playlist.update().where( == ).values(values) self.session.execute(stmt) self.session.commit() return self.session.query(db.playlist).filter( == ).one() def edit(self): edits = self.editor.edit(self) if not edits: return try: new = Playlist.from_yaml(edits, self.session) if new == self: logging.debug("No changes detected.") return except (TypeError, ScannerError) as e: logging.error(e) raise PlaylistValidationError( "An error occurred reading the input file; this is typically " "the result of an error in the YAML structure." ) except TrackNotFoundError as e: logging.error(e) raise PlaylistValidationError( "One or more of the specified tracks " "did not exactly match an entry in the database." ) logging.debug(f"Updating {self.slug} with new edits.") self._slug = new.slug self._name = self._description = new.description.strip() self._entries = new._entries def add(self, paths: List[str]) -> int: """ Add entries to the playlist. Each path should match one and only one track in the database (case-insensitive). If a path doesn't match any track, or if a path matches multiple tracks, nothing is added to the playlist. Args: paths (list): A list of partial paths to add. Returns: int: The number of tracks added. """ logging.debug(f"Attempting to add tracks matching: {paths}") try: return self.create_entries(list(self._get_tracks_by_path(paths))) except NoResultFound: # pragma: no cover logging.error("One or more of the specified paths do not match any tracks in the database.") return 0 except MultipleResultsFound: # pragma: no cover logging.error("One or more of the specified paths matches multiple tracks in the database.") return 0 def delete(self) -> Union[int, None]: """ Delete a playlist and its entries from the database, then clear the cached values. """ if not self.record: return None plid = stmt = delete(db.entry).where(db.entry.c.playlist_id == plid) logging.debug(f"Deleting entries associated with playlist {plid}: {stmt}") self.session.execute(stmt) stmt = delete(db.playlist).where( == plid) logging.debug(f"Deleting playlist {plid}: {stmt}") self.session.execute(stmt) self.session.commit() self._record = None self._entries = None self._deleted = True return plid def get_or_create(self, create_ok: bool = False) -> Row: if self._record is None: self._record = self._get() if self._record: self._description = self._record.description self._name = self._slug = self._record.slug if not self._record: if self.deleted: raise PlaylistValidationError("Object has been deleted.") if self._create_ok or create_ok: def save(self) -> Row: values = { 'slug': self.slug, 'name':, 'description': self.description } if not raise PlaylistValidationError("This playlist has no name.") if not self.slug: raise PlaylistValidationError("This playlist has no slug.") self._record = self._update(values) if self._record else self._insert(values) logging.debug(f"Saved playlist {} with slug {self._record.slug}") self.save_entries() def save_entries(self): plid = stmt = delete(db.entry).where(db.entry.c.playlist_id == plid) logging.debug(f"Deleting stale entries associated with playlist {plid}: {stmt}") self.session.execute(stmt) return self.create_entries(self.entries) def create_entries(self, tracks: List[Row]) -> int: """ Append a list of tracks to a playlist by populating the entries table with records referencing the playlist and the specified tracks. Args: tracks (list): A list of Row objects from the track table. Returns: int: The number of tracks added. """ if not tracks: tracks = self.entries if not tracks: return 0 maxtrack = self.session.query(func.max(db.entry.c.track)).filter_by( ).one()[0] or 0 self.session.execute( db.entry.insert(), [ {'playlist_id':, 'track_id':, 'track': idx} for (idx, obj) in enumerate(tracks, start=maxtrack+1) ] ) self.session.commit() self._entries = None return len(tracks) @classmethod def by_slug(cls, slug, session): try: row = session.query(db.playlist).filter( db.playlist.c.slug == slug ).one() except NoResultFound as ex: logging.error(f"Could not locate an existing playlist with slug {slug}.") raise ex return cls.from_row(row, session) @classmethod def from_row(cls, row, session): pl = Playlist( slug=row.slug,, description=row.description, session=session ) pl._record = row return pl @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, source, session, create_ok=False): try: name = list(source.keys())[0].strip() description = (source[name]['description'] or '').strip() pl = Playlist( slug=slugify(name), name=name, description=description, session=session, create_ok=create_ok ) if not source[name]['entries']: pl._entries = [] else: pl._entries = list(pl._get_tracks_by_artist_and_title(entries=[ list(entry.items())[0] for entry in source[name]['entries'] ])) except (IndexError, KeyError, AttributeError): raise PlaylistValidationError("The specified source was not a valid playlist.") return pl def __eq__(self, obj): logging.debug(f"Comparing obj to self:\n{obj.as_string}\n--\n{self.as_string}") return obj.as_string == self.as_string for key in ('slug', 'name', 'description'): if getattr(obj, key) != getattr(self, key): logging.debug(f"{key}: {getattr(obj, key)} != {getattr(self, key)}") return False return True def __repr__(self): return self.as_string