from .base import BasePrompt import os from sqlalchemy.exc import NoResultFound from textwrap import dedent, wrap from rich.table import Column from rich import box from groove import db from groove.exceptions import PlaylistValidationError class _playlist(BasePrompt): """ """ def __init__(self, parent, manager=None): super().__init__(manager=manager, parent=parent) self._parent = parent self._commands = None @property def help_text(self): synopsis = ( f"You are currently editing the [b]{}[/b]" f" playlist. From this prompt you can quickly append new tracks " f"to the playlist. You can invoke your editor " f"([link]{os.environ['EDITOR']}[/link]) to change the playlist " f"name and description, or reorder or remove tracks. You can also " f"delete the playlist." ) try: width = int(os.environ.get('CONSOLE_WIDTH', '80')) except ValueError: width = 80 synopsis = '\n '.join(wrap(synopsis, width=width)) return dedent(f""" [title]WORKING WITH PLAYLISTS[/title] {synopsis} [title]USAGE[/title] [link]playlist> COMMAND [ARG ..][/link] [title]COMMANDS[/title] [help] [b]add[/b] Add one or more tracks to the playlist [b]edit[/b] Open the playlist in the system editor [b]show[/b] Display the complete playlist [b]delete[/b] Delete the playlist [b]help[/b] This message Try 'help command' for command-specific help.[/help] """) @property def prompt(self): return [ "", "[help]Available commands: add, edit, show, delete, help. Hit Enter to return.[/help]", f"[prompt]{self.parent.playlist.slug}[/prompt]", ] @property def values(self): return self.commands.keys() @property def commands(self): if not self._commands: self._commands = { 'delete': self.delete, 'add': self.add, 'show':, 'edit': self.edit, 'help': } return self._commands def process(self, cmd, *parts): if cmd in self.commands: return True if self.commands[cmd](parts) else False self.parent.console.error(f"Command not understood: {cmd}") return True def edit(self, *parts): try: self.parent.playlist.edit() except PlaylistValidationError as e: self.parent.console.error(f"Changes were not saved: {e}") else: return True def show(self, *parts): pl = self.parent.playlist title = f"\n [b]:headphones: {}[/b]" if pl.description: title += f"\n [italic]{pl.description}[/italic]\n" table = self.parent.console.table( Column('#', justify='right', width=4), Column('Artist', justify='left'), Column('Title', justify='left'), box=box.HORIZONTALS, title=title, title_justify='left', caption=f"[link]{pl.url}[/link]", caption_justify='right', ) for (num, entry) in enumerate(pl.entries): table.add_row( f"[text]{num+1}[/text]", f"[artist]{entry.artist}[/artist]", f"[title]{entry.title}[/title]" ) self.parent.console.print(table) return True def add(self, *parts): self.parent.console.print( "Add tracks one at a time by title. Hit Enter to finish." ) added = False while True: text = self.parent.console.prompt( [' ?'], completer=self.manager.fuzzy_table_completer( db.track, db.track.c.relpath, lambda row: row.relpath ), complete_in_thread=True, complete_while_typing=True ) if not text: if added: return True self._add_track(text) added = True def _add_track(self, text): sess = self.parent.manager.session try: track = sess.query(db.track).filter(db.track.c.relpath == text).one() self.parent.playlist.create_entries([track]) except NoResultFound: self.parent.console.error("No match for '{text}'") return return text def delete(self, *parts): res = self.parent.console.prompt([ f"[error]Type [b]DELETE[/b] to permanently delete the playlist " f'"{}".[/error]', f"[prompt]DELETE {self.parent.playlist.slug}[/prompt]", ]) if res != 'DELETE': self.parent.console.error("Delete aborted. No changes have been made.") return True self.parent.playlist.delete() self.parent.console.print("Deleted the playlist.") self.parent._playlist = None return False def start(self): super().start()