/*! * Howler.js Audio Player Demo * howlerjs.com * * (c) 2013-2020, James Simpson of GoldFire Studios * goldfirestudios.com * * MIT License */ // Cache references to DOM elements. var elms = ['track', 'timer', 'duration', 'playBtn', 'pauseBtn', 'prevBtn', 'nextBtn', 'playlistBtn', 'progress', 'bar', 'loading', 'playlist', 'list', 'barEmpty', 'barFull', 'sliderBtn']; elms.forEach(function(elm) { window[elm] = document.getElementById(elm); }); /** * Player class containing the state of our playlist and where we are in it. * Includes all methods for playing, skipping, updating the display, etc. * @param {Array} playlist Array of objects with playlist song details ({title, url, howl}). */ var Player = function(playlist) { this.playlist = playlist; this.index = 0; // Display the title of the first track. track.innerHTML = '1. ' + playlist[0].title; // Setup the playlist display. playlist.forEach(function(song) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = 'list-song'; div.innerHTML = song.title; div.onclick = function() { player.skipTo(playlist.indexOf(song)); }; list.appendChild(div); }); }; Player.prototype = { /** * Play a song in the playlist. * @param {Number} index Index of the song in the playlist (leave empty to play the first or current). */ play: function(index) { var self = this; var sound; index = typeof index === 'number' ? index : self.index; var data = self.playlist[index]; // If we already loaded this track, use the current one. // Otherwise, setup and load a new Howl. if (data.howl) { sound = data.howl; } else { sound = data.howl = new Howl({ src: [data.url], html5: true, // Force to HTML5 so that the audio can stream in (best for large files). onplay: function() { // Display the duration. duration.innerHTML = self.formatTime(Math.round(sound.duration())); // Start updating the progress of the track. requestAnimationFrame(self.step.bind(self)); pauseBtn.style.display = 'block'; }, onload: function() { loading.style.display = 'none'; }, onend: function() { self.skip('next'); }, onpause: function() { }, onstop: function() { }, onseek: function() { // Start updating the progress of the track. requestAnimationFrame(self.step.bind(self)); } }); } // Begin playing the sound. sound.play(); // Update the track display. track.innerHTML = (index + 1) + '. ' + data.title; // Show the pause button. if (sound.state() === 'loaded') { playBtn.style.display = 'none'; pauseBtn.style.display = 'block'; } else { loading.style.display = 'block'; playBtn.style.display = 'none'; pauseBtn.style.display = 'none'; } // Keep track of the index we are currently playing. self.index = index; }, /** * Pause the currently playing track. */ pause: function() { var self = this; // Get the Howl we want to manipulate. var sound = self.playlist[self.index].howl; // Puase the sound. sound.pause(); // Show the play button. playBtn.style.display = 'block'; pauseBtn.style.display = 'none'; }, /** * Skip to the next or previous track. * @param {String} direction 'next' or 'prev'. */ skip: function(direction) { var self = this; // Get the next track based on the direction of the track. var index = 0; if (direction === 'prev') { index = self.index - 1; if (index < 0) { index = self.playlist.length - 1; } } else { index = self.index + 1; if (index >= self.playlist.length) { index = 0; } } self.skipTo(index); }, /** * Skip to a specific track based on its playlist index. * @param {Number} index Index in the playlist. */ skipTo: function(index) { var self = this; // Stop the current track. if (self.playlist[self.index].howl) { self.playlist[self.index].howl.stop(); } // Reset progress. progress.style.width = '0%'; // Play the new track. self.play(index); }, /** * Set the volume and update the volume slider display. * @param {Number} val Volume between 0 and 1. */ volume: function(val) { var self = this; // Update the global volume (affecting all Howls). Howler.volume(val); }, /** * Seek to a new position in the currently playing track. * @param {Number} per Percentage through the song to skip. */ seek: function(per) { var self = this; // Get the Howl we want to manipulate. var sound = self.playlist[self.index].howl; // Convert the percent into a seek position. if (sound.playing()) { sound.seek(sound.duration() * per); } }, /** * The step called within requestAnimationFrame to update the playback position. */ step: function() { var self = this; // Get the Howl we want to manipulate. var sound = self.playlist[self.index].howl; // Determine our current seek position. var seek = sound.seek() || 0; timer.innerHTML = self.formatTime(Math.round(seek)); progress.style.width = (((seek / sound.duration()) * 100) || 0) + '%'; // If the sound is still playing, continue stepping. if (sound.playing()) { requestAnimationFrame(self.step.bind(self)); } }, /** * Format the time from seconds to M:SS. * @param {Number} secs Seconds to format. * @return {String} Formatted time. */ formatTime: function(secs) { var minutes = Math.floor(secs / 60) || 0; var seconds = (secs - minutes * 60) || 0; return minutes + ':' + (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds; } }; // Setup our new audio player class and pass it the playlist. var player = new Player(playlist_tracks); // Bind our player controls. playBtn.addEventListener('click', function() { player.play(); }); pauseBtn.addEventListener('click', function() { player.pause(); }); prevBtn.addEventListener('click', function() { player.skip('prev'); }); nextBtn.addEventListener('click', function() { player.skip('next'); });