import asyncio import logging import os from itertools import chain from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable, Union, Iterable import music_tag import rich.repr from rich.console import Console from rich.progress import ( Progress, TextColumn, BarColumn, SpinnerColumn, TimeRemainingColumn ) from sqlalchemy import func from sqlalchemy.exc import NoResultFound import groove.db import groove.path from groove.exceptions import InvalidPathError class MediaScanner: """ SYNOPSIS Scan a directory structure containing audio files and import track entries into the Groove on Demand database. Existing tracks will be ignored. USAGE MediaScanner(db=DB, [ARGS]) ARGS db An sqlalchemy databse session console A rich console instance glob A pattern to search for. Defaults to MEDIA_GLOB. Multiple patterns can be specifed as a comma-separated-list. path The path to scan. Defaults to MEDIA_ROOT. root The media root, as specified by MEDIA_ROOT EXAMPLES MediaScanner(db=DB, path='Kid Koala', glob='*.mp3').scan() >>> 15 INSTANCE ATTRIBUTES db The databse session console The rich console instance glob The globs to search for path The path to be scanned root The media root """ def __init__( self, db: Callable, path: Union[Path, None] = None, glob: Union[str, None] = None, console: Union[Console, None] = None, ) -> None: self._db = db self._glob = tuple((glob or os.environ.get('MEDIA_GLOB')).split(',')) self._root = groove.path.media_root() self._console = console or Console() self._scanned = 0 self._imported = 0 self._total = 0 self._path = self._configure_path(path) @property def db(self) -> Callable: return self._db @property def console(self) -> Console: return self._console @property def root(self) -> Path: return self._root @property def path(self) -> Path: return self._path @property def glob(self) -> tuple: return self._glob def _configure_path(self, path): if not path: # pragma: no cover return self._root fullpath = Path(self._root) / Path(path) if not (fullpath.exists() and fullpath.is_dir()): raise InvalidPathError( # pragma: no cover f"[b]{fullpath}[/b] does not exist or is not a directory." ) return fullpath def _get_tags(self, path): # pragma: no cover tags = music_tag.load_file(path) return { 'artist': str(tags.resolve('album_artist')), 'title': str(tags['title']), } def find_sources(self, pattern): """ Recursively search the instance path for files matching the pattern. """ entrypoint = self._path if self._path else self._root for path in entrypoint.rglob(pattern): # pragma: no cover if not path.is_dir(): yield path def import_tracks(self, sources: Iterable) -> None: """ Step through the specified source files and schedule async tasks to import them, reporting progress via a rich progress bar. """ async def _do_import(progress, scanner): tasks = set() for path in sources: self._total += 1 progress.update(scanner, total=self._total) tasks.add(asyncio.create_task( self._import_one_track(path, progress, scanner))) progress.start_task(scanner) progress = Progress( TimeRemainingColumn(compact=True, elapsed_when_finished=True), BarColumn(bar_width=15), TextColumn("[progress.percentage]{task.percentage:>3.0f}%", justify="left"), TextColumn("[dim]|"), TextColumn("[title]{}[/title] [b]total", justify="right"), TextColumn("[dim]|"), TextColumn("[title]{task.fields[imported]:-6d}[/title] [b]new", justify="right"), TextColumn("[dim]|"), SpinnerColumn(), TextColumn("[progress.description]{task.description}"), console=self.console, ) with progress: scanner = progress.add_task( f"[bright]Scanning [link]{self.path}[/link] (this may take some time)...", imported=0, total=0, start=False ), scanner)) progress.update( scanner, completed=self._total, description=f"[bright]Scan of [link]{self.path}[/link] complete!", ) async def _import_one_track(self, path, progress, scanner): """ Import a single audo file into the databse, unless it already exists. """ self._scanned += 1 relpath = str(path.relative_to(self.root)) try: self.db.query(groove.db.track).filter( groove.db.track.c.relpath == relpath).one() return except NoResultFound: pass columns = self._get_tags(path) columns['relpath'] = relpath logging.debug(f"Importing: {columns}") self.db.execute(groove.db.track.insert(columns)) self.db.commit() self._imported += 1 progress.update( scanner, imported=self._imported, completed=self._scanned, description=f"[bright]Imported [artist]{columns['artist']}[/artist]: [title]{columns['title']}[/title]", ) def scan(self) -> int: """ Walk the media root and insert Track table entries for each media file found. Existing entries will be ignored. """ count = self.db.query(func.count(groove.db.track.c.relpath)).scalar() combined_sources = chain.from_iterable( self.find_sources(pattern) for pattern in self.glob ) self.import_tracks(combined_sources) newcount = self.db.query(func.count(groove.db.track.c.relpath)).scalar() - count return newcount