import logging import os import typer from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, List from dotenv import load_dotenv from slugify import slugify from rich import print import rich.table from groove import webserver from import interactive_shell from groove.playlist import Playlist from groove import db from groove.db.manager import database_manager from groove.db.scanner import media_scanner playlist_app = typer.Typer() app = typer.Typer() app.add_typer(playlist_app, name='playlist', help='Manage playlists.') def initialize(): load_dotenv() debug = os.getenv('DEBUG', None) logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO) @playlist_app.command() def list(): """ List all Playlists """ initialize() with database_manager() as manager: query = manager.session.query(db.playlist) table = rich.table.Table( *[rich.table.Column( for k in db.playlist.columns] ) for row in db.windowed_query(query,, 1000): columns = tuple(Playlist.from_row(row, manager.session).record)[0:-1] table.add_row(*[str(col) for col in columns]) print() print(table) print() @playlist_app.command() def delete( name: str = typer.Argument( ..., help="The name of the playlist to create." ), no_dry_run: bool = typer.Option( False, help="If True, actually delete the playlist, Otherwise, show what would be deleted." ) ): """ Delete a playlist """ initialize() with database_manager() as manager: pl = Playlist(slug=slugify(name), session=manager.session, create_if_not_exists=False) if not pl.exists:"No playlist named '{name}' could be found.") return if no_dry_run is False: entry_count = 0 if not pl.entries else len([e for e in pl.entries]) print(f"Would delete playlist {}, which contains {entry_count} tracks.") return deleted_playlist = pl.delete() print(f"Playlist {deleted_playlist} deleted.") @playlist_app.command() def get( slug: str = typer.Argument( ..., help="The slug of the playlist to retrieve." ), ): initialize() with database_manager() as manager: pl = Playlist(slug=slug, session=manager.session) print(pl.as_dict) @playlist_app.command() def add( name: str = typer.Argument( ..., help="The name of the playlist to create." ), description: str = typer.Option( None, help="The description of the playlist." ), tracks: List[str] = typer.Option( None, help="A list of tracks to add to the playlist." ), exists_ok: bool = typer.Option( True, help="If True, it is okay if the playlist already exists." ), multiples_ok: bool = typer.Option( False, help="If True, the same track can be added to the playlist multiple times." ) ): """ Create a new playlist with the specified name, unless it already exists. """ initialize() with database_manager() as manager: pl = Playlist( slug=slugify(name), session=manager.session, name=name, description=description, create_if_not_exists=True) if pl.exists: if not exists_ok: raise RuntimeError(f"Playlist with slug {pl.slug} already exists!") logging.debug(pl.as_dict) if tracks: pl.add(tracks) print(pl.as_dict) @app.command() def scan( root: Optional[Path] = typer.Option( None, help="The path to the root of your media." ), debug: bool = typer.Option( False, help='Enable debugging output' ), ): """ Scan the filesystem and create track entries in the database. """ initialize() with database_manager() as manager: scanner = media_scanner(root=root, db=manager.session) count = scanner.scan()"Imported {count} new tracks.") @app.command() def shell(): initialize() interactive_shell.start() @app.command() def server( host: str = typer.Argument( '', help="bind address", ), port: int = typer.Argument( 2323, help="bind port", ), debug: bool = typer.Option( False, help='Enable debugging output' ), ): """ Start the Groove on Demand playlsit server. """ initialize() print("Starting Groove On Demand...") with database_manager() as manager: manager.import_from_filesystem() webserver.start(host=host, port=port, debug=debug) if __name__ == '__main__': app()