import base64 import hashlib import logging from ttfrog.db import db, session # move this to json or whatever data = { 'ancestry': [ {'name': 'human'}, {'name': 'dragonborn'}, {'name': 'tiefling'}, ], 'character': [ {'name': 'Sabetha', 'ancestry_name': 'tiefling', 'level': 10, 'str': 10, 'dex': 10, 'con': 10, 'int': 10, 'wis': 10, 'cha': 10}, ] } def slug_from_rec(rec): """ Create a uniquish slug from a dictionary. """ sha1bytes = hashlib.sha1(str(rec).encode()) return '-'.join([ base64.urlsafe_b64encode(sha1bytes.digest()).decode("ascii")[:10], rec.get('name', '') # will need to normalize this for URLs ]) def bootstrap(): """ Initialize the database with source data. Idempotent; will skip anything that already exists. """ db.init_model() for table_name, table in db.tables.items(): if table_name not in data: logging.debug("No bootstrap data for table {table_name}; skipping.") continue for rec in data[table_name]: if 'slug' in table.columns: rec['slug'] = slug_from_rec(rec) stmt = table.insert().values(**rec).prefix_with("OR IGNORE") result = session.execute(stmt) session.commit() last_id = result.inserted_primary_key[0] if last_id == 0:"Skipped existing {table_name} {rec}") else:"Created {table_name} {result.inserted_primary_key[0]}: {rec}")